Discussion group "precious" in the Tersteegenplatz community centre. This meeting takes place once a month on Wednesdays from 3.00 pm. For more information on dates and topics, please contact: Volker Busch, Tel. 43 41 67 or volker.busch[at]
Literature meeting read - tell stories - enjoy: Every Wednesday from 3.00 pm or 6.00 pm. Detailed information on topics and dates can be found further down at the end of this article under ‘Dates’.
Cultural meeting at the Jonakirche To complete this programme, people interested in culture meet every first Thursday (sometimes the second Thursday is possible due to public holidays) of the quarter in the Jonakirche in Lohausen. After a short devotion, the programme items for the coming quarter are presented, followed by a joint lunch prepared by the group itself. It is highly recommended that you attend the quarterly meetings, as many activities are only organised with registration. Even if most of the participants are ‘museum-age’ because they are retired, interested people of all ages who have time on the dates listed in the programme are very welcome. Public transport or the occasional car will be used. After each excursion, the ‘opportunity to stop off together’ is a popular reward for the participants.
The Anneliese Dautermann/Gisela Wildner team and Kerstin and Karl Döhler are happy to receive suggestions for new programme items. Please note! Registration is based on the time of receipt (telephone, possibly AB) Registration and further information: Kerstin and Karl Döhler, Tel. 40 24 34
Ecumenical prayer based on the Taizé tradition
Not only will the well-known songs from Taizé be sung, but the texts and prayers will also address the questions that concern us in our private, church and social lives. The devotions are organised ecumenically and alternately by the Kaiserswerth Sisterhood, women from the Catholic Women's Community in Kaiserswerth and the Protestant parish of Kaiserswerth.
Each service begins at 6.00 pm. A devotion lasts approx. 35 minutes. Every 3rd Wednesday of each month in the Mutterhauskirche in Kaiserswerth. For further information please contact: Pastor Ulrike Heimann, Tel. 200 73 54.
Exercise programmes for senior citizens
KAHA training:
Mondays, 11.00-12.00, Tersteegenplatz 1 community centre
Spiritual gymnastics with elements of Tai Chi, Qigong and Haka, the traditional Maori dance
Info: Volker Busch, Tel. 43 41 67
Sitting gymnastics:
Mondays, 12.30-13.15, community centre Fliednerstraße 6
Whether you are in your 80s or already over 90 - you will be challenged here, but not overwhelmed! Sitting gymnastics is a gentle way to build up muscles, maintain mobility and train the coordination of our musculoskeletal system. In order to be able to organise the course in a participant-oriented way, please register in advance at the community office at Fliednerstraße 6, Tel. 40 12 54.
Fall prevention with strength and balance training:
Tuesdays, 10.30-11.30 am, community centre Tersteegenplatz 1
Info: Volker Busch, Tel. 43 41 67
Seated dancing:
Tuesdays, 3.00-4.30 p.m., Tersteegenplatz 1 community centre
Movement to beautiful music and in harmony with the group
Info: Volker Busch, Tel. 43 41 67
Memory training:
Wednesdays, 10.30-11.30 a.m., Tersteegenplatz 1 Community Centre
You can keep physically and mentally fit in a relaxed atmosphere under expert guidance. You will learn a few tricks on how to keep body and mind a good team and you don't have to be HEAD first.
Info: Volker Busch, Tel. 43 41 67
Cycle on Saturdays! - Exercise is good for you, outdoor exercise is even better and more enjoyable!
This offer is aimed at anyone who would like to cycle in a group in the local area. Depending on the length of the tour and the destination, you can stop for refreshments on the way and at the end, or provide your own food and drink.
Werner Höbelt, tel. 0203 989 499 81 or mobile 0176 800 570 41, organises the Saturday bike excursions. If the weather is mixed and it rains from time to time, we may have to re-plan and go to the museum, for example. It is advisable to plan rainwear and waterproof shoes, preferably hiking boots, and to contact the organisers at short notice if in doubt.


Fliednerstr. 6
40489 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 40 12 54
Tersteegenplatz 1
40474 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 43 41 66
Mo - Fr | 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr |
Di | 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr |
Di | 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr |
Mi u. Fr | 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr |
Ev. Kirchengemeinde Kaiserswerth-Tersteegen
DE38 3506 0190 1088 5230 39